
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

[REVIEW] Kingsman Secret Service

What happened if Kick Ass meets James Bond? Well, you can see that in this movie. Seriously, you have to watch this movie. Especially for British Spy fan

Synopsis : Eggsy (Taron Egerton) a bad boy with broken home, recruited by Harry Hart (Collin Firth) to become Kingsman candidate, British spy. On selection process, an entrepreneur  Mr. Valentine (Samuel L Jackson) made a project  to control humans at his will. 

In my opinion, this movie is awesome ! very very awesome. Many parts that made this movie awesome.
1.       British movie about spy. English spy always had its charm like James Bond.
2.       Funny jokes and very natural
3.       Stars everywhere  like Colin Firth, Samuel L Jackson, Sir Michael Caine, Mark Strong.
4.       Simple and interesting dialogue between characters.
5.       Simple story but not cheesy. Many scene made us laugh ate least smile.
6.       Blood and violence everywhere (I don;t know this is the good part or the bad part)
7.       The good soundtrack. Especially in last battle.
8.       Last but not the least, those awesome gadget !!! I want those gadget

So far, Kingsman is the best movie that I’ve watched in 2015. The success of  Kingsman not only based on critics review, but also in Box Office. Even though 50 Shades of Greys won over this movie (Well I think because the sale of 50 Shades of Grey novels, and moms want to see the movie adaptation). I’m proudly recommend this movie. REALLY !

My Rating

Bonus :
I live in Indonesia, Church Fight fight scene censored whereas media said that part is very good. I’m a little disappointed but It’s okay, we have butt at the end of movies.


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